Quick Start

This section gives an experiential process of GART where we provide containers for deployment. Users can also try local deployment, we will give local deployment and usage tips.

Step 1: Start the GART Environment

GART currently requires installation via source code. We provide a Docker image that contains all the dependencies and configurations needed to run GART. The Docker image is based on Ubuntu 20.04.


If you would like to install it locally, please refer to the detailed deployment tutorial we provide.

To build the Docker container called gart-env and enter the container:

1$ git clone git@github.com:GraphScope/GART.git gart
2$ cd gart
3$ sudo docker build . -t gart-env
4$ sudo docker run -it gart-env

After entering the Docker container, build GART:

1# In the docker image
2gart-env$ cd /workspace/gart/
3gart-env$ mkdir build; cd build
4gart-env$ cmake .. -DADD_GAE_ENGINE=ON
5gart-env$ make -j

Step 2: Configure Data Source

Since GART needs the log access privileges of the data source to access the data logs in real time, it is necessary to configure the privileges at the data source first.

In the Docker image we provided, the basic configuration of the database has been done and there is a user as dbuser with a default password as 123456.


If you want to use a different user, you can create a new user in the database and grant the user the necessary privileges. Please refer to the Data Source Configuration for more information.

Initialize the PostgreSQL database by LDBC-SNB schema:

gart-env$ cd /workspace/gart/
gart-env$ ./apps/rdbms/init_schema.py --user dbuser --password 123456 --db ldbc

Step 3: Configure Log Capturer

This step is automatic in GART. If you want to configure it manually, please refer to the Log Capturer Configuration.

Step 4: Launch GART Server

GART offers two ways to start up, and you can choose one of the following two ways.

Alternative #1: Launch as a standalone server

You can launch GART by the gart script under the build directory, like:

gart-env$ cd /workspace/gart/build/
gart-env$ ./gart --user dbuser --password 123456

The arguments of --user and --password are the user name and the password in the database.

The full usage of gart can be shown as:

gart-env$ ./gart --help

You can stop GART by:

gart-env$ ./stop-gart

Alternative #2: Launch as PostgreSQL plugin

You can launch GART as a PostgreSQL plugin:

You need to install the PostgreSQL plugin by copying the shared library to the PostgreSQL library directory:

1gart-env$ cd /workspace/gart/apps/pgx/
2gart-env$ make USE_PGXS=1 -j
3gart-env$ sudo make install

To configure and utilize the GART extension within your PostgreSQL environment, you’ll need to follow these steps.

1. Open the PostgreSQL Command Line Interface:

To enter commands into PostgreSQL, you need access to the PostgreSQL CLI. You can do this by opening a terminal on Unix-like systems or a command prompt on Windows, and running:

# choose the `ldbc` database
sudo -u postgres psql -d ldbc

# or
psql -U postgres -d ldbc

2. Install the ``gart`` Extension:

After successfully logging in to your database, run the following command to create the gart extension:


3. Configure ``gart`` Extension:

Now set up the gart configuration using the following command:

SELECT * FROM gart_set_config('/workspace/gart/apps/pgx/gart-pgx-config-template.ini');

4. Load the LDBC-SNB schema:

\i /workspace/gart/vegito/test/schema/rgmapping-ldbc.sql

5. Establish a Connection Using ``gart``:

Finally, establish a connection using a specific identifier like so:

SELECT * FROM gart_get_connection('123456');

Step 5: Run Dynamic Graph Analysis

GART can create a fresh snapshot of a graph on real-time updated relational data. Users can perform graph analytic processing on this snapshot.

Initiate data updates

First, the data changes are modeled in the following way, in this case, the insertion of data:

gart-env$ cd /workspace/gart/
gart-env$ ./apps/rdbms/insert_db_txn.py --user dbuser --password 123456 --data_dir /workspace/gstest/ldbc_sample/

Then, the graph snapshot is created.

Launch the graph analysis

The graph analysis can be launched by the following command:

gart-env$ cd /workspace/gart/
gart-env$ mpirun -n 1 ./apps/run_gart_app --read_epoch 0 --app_name sssp --sssp_source_label organisation --sssp_source_oid 0 --sssp_weight_name wa_work_from

Next Steps

GART also provides:

  • Distributed deployment. GART allows users to provide a simple configuration file, and it will run on a cluster.

  • Deployment based on Kubernetes. GART can be deployed on Kubernetes.

  • Support for more data sources. GART can support more data sources, such as MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Users can also implement their own data source by following the data source interface.

  • Support for more graph analysis algorithms. GART can support more graph analysis algorithms, such as PageRank, Connected Components, etc. The execution engine of GART is based on GraphScope, which supports a wide range of graph algorithms. We also support NetworkX as the execution engine.

  • Flexible data model mapping. GART can support more data model mappings by RGMapping. Users can implement their own mapping rules by following the RGMapping interface.