Log Capturer Configuration¶
This step is to allow GART’s log capturer to fetch the logs of specified database tables to avoid causing irrelevant logs to be tracked.
Edit Kafka configuration ($KAFKA_HOME/config/server.properties
) as follows:
Set up a configuration of Debezium. Please replace the fields in the configuration file ($KAFKA_HOME/config/connect-debezium-{mysql,postgresql}.properties
) that have sharp brackets (<>
) with the actual contents (e.g., database.user
, database.password
The following are the parts of each configuration file that need to be changed.
For Postgresql¶
1database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers=<kafka bootstrap servers, e.g., localhost:9092>
2schema.history.internal.kafka.bootstrap.servers=<kafka bootstrap servers, e.g., localhost:9092>
4name=<name of the connector, e.g., test-connector>
6database.hostname=<postgresql host, e.g.,>
7database.port=<postgresql port, e.g., 5432>
8database.user=<postgresql user>
9database.password=<postgresql password>
10database.dbname=<which database is needed to capture, e.g., ldbc>
11table.include.list=<list the tables in the order of vertices, then edges>
12snapshot.mode=<if enable bulkload, set as "always", otherwise set as "never">
14slot.name=<name of replication slots, please avoid repetition>
For MySQL¶
1database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers=<kafka bootstrap servers, e.g., localhost:9092>
2schema.history.internal.kafka.bootstrap.servers=<kafka bootstrap servers, e.g., localhost:9092>
4name=<name of the connector, e.g., test-connector>
6database.hostname=<mysql host, e.g.,>
7database.port=<mysql port, e.g., 3306>
8database.user=<mysql user>
9database.password=<mysql password>
10database.include.list=<which databse is needed to capture, e.g., ldbc>
11table.include.list=<list the tables in the order of vertices, then edges>
12snapshot.mode=<if enable buldload, set as "initial", otherwise set as "never">
Automatic Configuration¶
To simplify this part of the configuration, we have provided scripts for the same.
# In the docker image
gart-env$ cd /workspace/gart/
# Show the help information
gart-env$ ./scripts/update_kafka_config_file.py --help